Family had to come get me several months back.
I'm now in a wheelchair, I cannot walk but for moments. I cannot take care of myself anymore. I am bedridden.
A lot has happened while I've been here.
It didn't take long for covid to find it's way into this house seeing how my family are all redneck Trump supporters who don't listen very well because they're afraid to have their freedoms taken away.
I did everything I could to warn them, to talk sense to them. No one listened, they laughed. When it hit, it hit hard. People here not only got sick within the sickness, they also wound up the the hospital multiple times and nearly died.
During all of this my dog Sandwich wound up with pancreatitis because no one could take him out and he kept holding it in ): We laid down pee pads for him but he really just wanted to go out. The vet bill hurt really bad, so did the medicine cost but we had to make sure he was okay. He's recovered now, thankfully.
Once I got through covid we found out I've got type two diabetes and hypothyroidism. We did not, however, find out what's causing me to not be able to walk or take care of myself.
Last week someone hacked into my amazon account and spent my money on my card. I was able to file a dispute and get my money back but I just haven't mentally recovered from everything here.
I had to replace my old laptop because it kept dying due to the fan not working anymore. I wiped it and gave it to family. It's a high end laptop but I just can't afford the maintenance on it right now ): The laptop I got runs perfectly. It's not the hoss I gave away and that makes me really sad and sometimes frustrated but at least I can use this in my situation. That's why I got a laptop in the first place-- for when I wind up in situations similar to this.
I haven't managed to draw but twice since I've been here. I couldn't complete anything. I think the fatigue and depression just takes everything out of me.

I've been playing a lot of Wurm. When I'm tired of that I play Rimworld and Starbound. I even recently purchased Fate from the Steam Autumn sale. So when I get tired of those I'll play Fate. I have fond memories of that game from when I was younger.
As for wurm I've been managing two deeds to keep my mind occupied. When I get tired of looking at one I go back to the other. I also go around each linked server feeding everyone's animals they leave at the starter deeds. That way they don't starve to death and I'm helping somehow.
We're thinking I'll need to stay here until my lease is up, however, it's not going well in that department because I was supposed to have an application in last month seeing how I need 30 days of warning before moving for my old apartment. I may end up needing to rent storage or something, I'm getting nervous. It's hard to get anyone to take the issue seriously (again).
A friend sent me an article recently about a girl who got covid and wound up in a wheelchair. She just stopped being able to walk. Her story is just like mine-- I just don't know if I had covid earlier and maybe this was my second time catching it? (I did go to the hospital a LOT earlier this year for migraines that just wouldn't leave me alone and I couldn't breathe when I laid down.) She says there are other people like us. When things calm down I'll be looking at the support groups that are available that she sent me. I'll be mentioning it to the neurologist if I ever get to go.
This year has been a dumpster fire. I know this upcoming year wont flip a switch and turn everything around but I do hope it's better than this one.
As for "Are you coming back?" I don't know. I'd like to think this question should be "When are you coming back" But if I get worse I may not be able to.
I can't make art right now and typing takes a lot out of me. Thinking up blogs take a lot out of me. Having to remember everything I'm trying to forget takes a lot out of me. When I move it'll be a different story. I'll keep you updated. But I don't plan on abandoning this place or shutting it down. I put too much work into it and I still have content I want to make.
ily!!! keep making content that makes u happy and stay strong❤️💖❤️❤️