Welcome to my website! Here you can find my actual life and some stuffs for you sprinkled here and there. Please make sure to read the rules/terms and conditions before using my website! Thank you
Please note: Do NOT save my images to tumblr or pinterest under any circumstances.

You > Sozai

Please make sure to read the rules/terms and conditions before using anything.
A visible link back to my website in the area that the material is posted is mandatory.
Thank you.

These are materials that I have either made for my own personal use in the past and am
no longer using or I have made them specifically for you to use on your website.

Emoticons / Bullets / Small Icons



Social Media




(Scroll down for even more of this set)



Horizontal Dividers

Vertical Dividers


Letter Sets


Big Backgrounds
(These have been scaled but will be the right size when you save!)




PC Wallpapers

Popular Posts