Welcome to my website! Here you can find my actual life and some stuffs for you sprinkled here and there. Please make sure to read the rules/terms and conditions before using my website! Thank you
Please note: Do NOT save my images to tumblr or pinterest under any circumstances.

Me > Gifts For Me

These are materials that I have either been given by friends / affiliates or have purchased.
Please DO NOT use or post them anywhere. Thank you.

CTMB = Candy Town Message Boards
THMB = Teahouse Message Boards
EE = Eden Enchanted
dA = DeviantArt

Signature Gifts

1. ?

Affiliate Gifts

1. Julz @ CTMB and THMB

Forum Gifts

1. Silverwolf @ Eden Enchanted

Gifts Containing My Original Characters

1. Angelishi @ dA | 2. ?? @ dA | 3. ?? @ dA | 4. RRAI @ dA

1. Froxz @ dA | 2. ??? @ dA | 3. Mizamy @ dA | 4. Soulkillur @ dA | 5. FirstFear @ dA

1. Nommer @ dA

1. ? @ dA

1. Naaya-Neko @ dA | 2. ? @ dA

1 and 2 Railguns @ dA

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